Don’t let weather wither away your child’s joy.


This post is also available in: English हिन्दी (Hindi) বাংলা (Bengali)

There are some things all babies do. They wake you up just minutes after you’ve finally drifted off into delicious sleep. They cry when they are hungry which is very, very often. They poop and then poop some more. And they fall ill when the weather changes, which is what the weather is doing these days. Of course, a slight cold or fever for a baby isn’t always a bad thing. After all every illness and sickness is Mother Nature’s way of building your baby’s immunity. Be that is it may, since weather changes can have an adverse effect on your health and your baby’s, we suggest you keep these health tips handy.

  1. Use two magical words – Breastfeeding and immunisation.

Breastfeeding and time-to-time immunisation play a pivotal role in building your baby’s immune system. So, make sure you exclusively breastfeed your baby for the first six months, as well as get her vaccinated on time. If you’re a working mum, use a Morisons Baby Dreams breast pump to express and store milk – so that your parents, in-laws or even a caretaker can feed your baby the best tonic she needs: her mother’s milk!

2. Don’t dress to kill. Dress to chill.


Dress your baby keeping in mind the lowest temperature expected. Tip: Make her dress in layers especially if you’re going outdoors. Keep removing or adding layers as required. This will keep her comfortable.

3. Bathe to soothe.


Though bathing is refreshing and essential for hygiene, babies can sometimes catch a cold after their baths or massages. So always take care to:

  • Ensure that the temperature in the bathroom and changing room is the same. If that is not possible, bathe her in a small tub in your room, near a heater (on low). If you don’t want to wet your floor, then give her a massage in the bathroom only.
  • Keep the fan, AC or any kind of cooling appliance switched off.
  • Bathe your baby during the warmest part of the day.
  • Dry her hair properly – wet hair is a strict no-no. Also dress your baby before you switch on that fan or AC. And always protect her from a direct blast of cold air.

4. Kick out the sick.


Oops! We don’t mean that literally. The thing is even one sneeze or cough is enough to infect babies. That’s why, keep your baby away from people who are even slightly unwell.

Mums are the exception. If you are not well, please don’t stop breastfeeding your baby. The antibodies in your breast milk will help keep your baby healthy. You just need to be a little alert when you’re sneezing or coughing.

5. Does your doc need a check-up?


Ironically, babies often can get sick from playing with a toy at the doctor’s clinic, which some unwell babies may have played with earlier. So take your own toys when you visit the doc.

6. You can never be too careful!


  • Keep your baby away from crowded places.
  • Ensure people wash their hands or at least sanitise them before touching or carrying your baby.
  • If your baby goes to a day care centre or playschool, ask the supervisor to discourage sick kids from attending the school.

So there it is. With these simple tips keeping illnesses at bay will be child’s play.

This post is also available in: English हिन्दी (Hindi) বাংলা (Bengali)


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