Food Chart For Your 6 Month Old Baby


This post is also available in: English हिन्दी (Hindi) বাংলা (Bengali)

Most parents are very apprehensive about what their baby should eat in the first month after starting solids.

It is important to remember here that breastmilk is the main source of nutrition for babies in the first year because the immature digestive tract cannot digest starches from plants. Most of the food eaten is therefore thrown out undigested in the stool. It is therefore very important to keep breastfeeding on demand. Do not try to schedule breastfeeds to match the solid meals.

The role of solid food in the first month is –

  • To get the gut used to solid food
  • To slowly increase the quantity of food
  • To slowly increase the variety of food
  • To get the baby used to different tastes and textures
  • To get the baby used to different combinations of tastes and textures

What to keep in mind –


  • Ensure that your baby is sitting upright when eating solids
  • Offer fresh food prepared at home
  • Use a flat small spoon and offer tiny quantities
  • Avoid lumps in the food to prevent choking
  • Always keep an eye out for food allergies.

It is best to start weaning with fruits – then move on to starchy vegetables and then to cereals like rice followed by dal.

This is the sequence that I have followed in the food chart below.

Please check with your doctor before you begin using this food chart.

The quantity of food eaten is not important so do not get worried if your baby eats less or more than what is mentioned. The amounts mentioned are for guidance only.

Food chart for your 6-month-old baby

Week 1

9:30 AM 1 PM 4 PM
Day 1 ¼ teaspoon mashed banana
Day 2 ½ teaspoon mashed banana
Day 3 1 teaspoon mashed banana
Day 4 1 tablespoon mashed banana
Day 5 1 tablespoon mashed banana 1 tablespoon mashed banana
Day 6 1 tablespoon mashed banana 1 tablespoon mashed banana 1 tablespoon mashed banana
Day 7 1 tablespoon mashed banana 1 tablespoon mashed banana 1 tablespoon mashed banana

Week 2

9:30 AM 1 PM 4 PM
Day 1 1 tablespoon pureed stewed apple 2 tablespoons mashed banana 2 tablespoons mashed banana
Day 2 3 tablespoons mashed banana 1 tablespoon pureed stewed apple 3 tablespoons mashed banana
Day 3 3 tablespoons mashed banana 3 tablespoons mashed banana 1 tablespoon pureed stewed apple
Day 4 2 tablespoons pureed stewed apple


1 tablespoon mashed banana

1 tablespoon pureed stewed apple


2 tablespoons mashed banana

1 tablespoon pureed stewed apple


2 tablespoons mashed banana

Day 5 3 tablespoons pureed stewed apple 2 tablespoons pureed stewed apple


1 tablespoon mashed banana

2 tablespoons pureed stewed apple


1 tablespoon mashed banana

Day 6 3 tablespoons pureed stewed apple 3 tablespoons mashed banana 3 tablespoons pureed stewed apple
Day 7 3 tablespoons pureed stewed apple 3 tablespoons mashed banana 3 tablespoons pureed stewed apple

Week 3

9:30 AM 1 PM 4 PM
Day 1 1 tablespoon boiled mashed potato

After an hour

2 tablespoons mashed banana

1 tablespoon boiled mashed potato

After an hour

2 tablespoons pureed apple

1 tablespoon boiled mashed potato

After an hour

1 tablespoon mashed banana


1 tablespoon pureed apple

Day 2 2 tablespoons boiled mashed potato


1 tablespoon apple puree

2 tablespoons boiled mashed potato


1 tablespoon mashed banana

2 tablespoons mashed banana


1 tablespoon pureed apple

Day 3 3 tablespoons boiled mashed potato


1 tablespoon mashed banana

3 tablespoons boiled mashed potato


1 tablespoon pureed apple

3 tablespoons boiled mashed potato


1 tablespoon mashed banana

Day 4 1 tablespoon boiled carrot puree

After an hour

1 tablespoon of mashed potato +

2 tablespoons of banana apple mash

1 tablespoon boiled carrot puree

After an hour

1 tablespoon of mashed potato


2 tablespoons of banana apple mash

1 tablespoon boiled carrot puree

After an hour

1 tablespoon of mashed potato


2 tablespoons of banana apple mash

Day 5 2 tablespoons of boiled carrot puree


1 tablespoon of potato mash


1 tablespoon of banana apple mash

2 tablespoons of boiled carrot puree


1 tablespoon of potato mash


1 tablespoon of banana apple mash


2 tablespoons of boiled carrot puree


1 tablespoon of potato mash


1 tablespoon of banana apple mash

Day 6 3 tablespoons of boiled carrot puree


1 tablespoon of banana apple mash

3 tablespoons of boiled carrot puree


1 tablespoon of banana apple mash

3 tablespoons boiled carrot puree


1 tablespoon of banana apple mash

Day 7 3 tablespoons of boiled mashed potato and carrot


1 tablespoon of banana apple mash


3 tablespoons of boiled mashed potato


1 tablespoon of banana apple mash


3 tablespoons of boiled mashed carrot


1 tablespoon of banana apple mash



Week 4

9:30 AM 1 PM 4 PM
Day 1 1 tablespoon boiled mashed rice

After an hour

1 tablespoon of boiled mashed potato and carrot


2 tablespoons of banana apple mash


1 tablespoon boiled mashed rice

After an hour

1 tablespoon of boiled mashed potato and carrot


2 tablespoons of banana apple mash


1 tablespoon boiled mashed rice

After an hour

1 tablespoon of boiled mashed potato and carrot


2 tablespoons of banana apple mash


Day 2 2 tablespoons boiled mashed rice


1 tablespoon of boiled mashed potato and carrot


1 tablespoon of banana apple mash


2 tablespoons boiled mashed rice


1 tablespoon of boiled mashed potato and carrot


1 tablespoon of banana apple mash


2 tablespoons boiled mashed rice


1 tablespoon of boiled mashed potato and carrot


1 tablespoon of banana apple mash


Day 3 3 tablespoons boiled mashed rice


1 tablespoon of boiled mashed potato and carrot


3 tablespoons boiled mashed rice


1 tablespoon of banana apple mash


3 tablespoons boiled mashed rice


1 tablespoon of boiled mashed potato and carrot


Day 4 3 tablespoons boiled mashed potato and carrot with rice


1 tablespoon banana apple mash

3 tablespoons boiled mashed potato and carrot with rice


1 tablespoon banana apple mash

3 tablespoons boiled mashed potato and carrot with rice


1 tablespoon banana apple mash

Day 5 1 tablespoon dal  water

After an hour

2 tablespoons of boiled mashed carrot and potato


1 tablespoon of rice

1 tablespoon dal water

After an hour

2 tablespoons of boiled mashed carrot and potato


1 tablespoon of rice

1 tablespoon dal water

After an hour

2 tablespoons of boiled mashed carrot and potato


1 tablespoon of rice

Day 6 2 tablespoons dal water


1 tablespoon of boiled mashed carrot and potato


1 tablespoon of rice

2 tablespoons dal water


1 tablespoon of boiled mashed carrot and potato


1 tablespoon of rice

2 tablespoons dal water


1 tablespoon of boiled mashed carrot and potato


1 tablespoon of rice

Day 7 4 tablespoons of rice, dal water, potato mash and carrot mash


4 tablespoons of banana apple mash 4 tablespoons of rice, dal water, potato mash and carrot mash



Weaning your baby to solids should be approached as if it is an exciting new journey. Be cautious but not afraid. And be persistent but not adamant. At no point should eating solids become a power struggle between you and your baby. If that happens, stop and re-evaluate your approach in consultation with an expert.


Dr. Debmita Dutta MBBS, MD

Dr. Debmita Dutta is a practicing doctor, a parenting consultant and the founder of the website WPA – She is based in Bangalore and conducts online and offline Parenting workshops at schools and corporate organizations. She also conducts online and offline prenatal classes for expecting parents and infant care classes for new parents.

This post is also available in: English हिन्दी (Hindi) বাংলা (Bengali)


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