Leo babies are a roaring success, while Virgos are a reflection of perfection!


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Leo Baby

Leo Zodiac Baby

Ruling planet: Sun

Element: Fire

Leo: July 21- August 21


As your Leo baby arrives with a roar, prepare to be amazed by his / her creativity, energy and leadership qualities. Your life will be revolving around your Leo babies as they demand a lot of love and affection; and to get attention your child will use charm rather than creating a fuss.

With sun being their ruling planet they are the little kings and queens of the zodiac. Just like the benevolence of the sun, your cub will show a lot of affection to you and the ones in their inner circle. There can’t be two kings in a jungle, so your baby will have difficulty accepting authority, and it might disrupt your den. Give your cub some time and things will settle eventually.

Positive reinforcement works really well with Leo babies; even simple words of praise will make him/her jump with joy and boost his/her Leo ego. When it comes to learning the laws of the jungle, Leos are not rote learners and prefer to learn hands on. Watching and understanding is your child’s thing so getting them to follow instructions and study (when a bit older) can be a task. But patience and confidence in your cub can go a long way in building his character.

Having a creative bent of mind and always taking the reins in their own hands, Leo career choices are upbeat and modern. Preferred career choices are acting, standup comedy, advertising, writing, etc. They are also attracted to power which can often lead Leos to a career in politics. But irrespective of the career they choose, they are destined to rule it.

Some famous Leo personalities are Rajiv Gandhi, Barak Obama, Kishore Kumar, Gulzar, JK Rowling and Roger Federer.

Virgo Baby

Virgo Zodiac Baby

Virgo: August 22nd – September 22nd

Ruling planet: Mercury

Element: Earth


Virgo babies see life and the things around them at a micro level; they are very observant, and look at the nitty-gritty of things. So if a button from your shirt is missing, you might just get schooled on how to be a perfectionist. A Virgo child will always be by your side to offer a helping hand towards tasks where they feel they are needed.  This quality at all times has to be encouraged and praised.

Boss baby is back in business; Virgos possess strong leadership qualities amidst peers which at times lead to him/her being bossy. And no one likes to take orders from a little dictator right? To avoid such situations teach him/her to always listen to the opinions of others and then react and be less aggressive about things.

In a quest to be a perfectionist your Virgo baby might be too careful and have difficulty embracing the frolicsome child within. As a parent you can aid in developing a sense of humour in your baby and pull them out of their bubble by opening their eyes to imagination and fun at an early age. Let your Virgo baby discover the power of Free Play.

Blocks, magnetic tiles and interlocking toys are things that would interest your Virgo child and enhance their mental strength.

Being intuitive, Virgos tend to be analytical and are great at problem solving. A lucrative career in finance awaits them. Other career options are teaching, acting, hospitality and law.

Some famous Virgo personalities are Mother Teresa, Narendra Modi, Asha Bhosle, Michael Jackson, and Prince Harry.

This post is also available in: English हिन्दी (Hindi) বাংলা (Bengali)


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