Motherhood’s too frantic to get romantic? Not if you follow our hacks.


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“A baby is the greatest gift!”

“Only a mother knows what true love is.”

“Beta, you have made us really happy. Now your baby will make you even happier.”

Everyone has only nice things to say about the joys of motherhood. What no one ever tells you is just how exhausting and draining motherhood is. All those 3 am feeds, all those late-night shifts, all those plop-on-the-sofa-to-watch-TV-but-instantly-fall-asleep moments. In fact, for parents (especially new mums), sleep is the ultimate luxury. So any free time instantly morphs into 40 winks. Leaving your love life completely lifeless. But it doesn’t have to stay that way. Here’s a bouquet of suggestion to rekindle the romance again.

Don’t just dream about date night. Schedule it.

Don’t Just Dream About Date Night. Schedule It.

Mark it on your calendar. Highlight it. Make sure your husband knows he can’t let office work rob him from you on that day. Send him flirty messages all day long. Forget that you are parents for a bit. Act like lovey-dovey teenagers. And to make things even more fun, pick a theme for the day. Like Everything 90’s. Or romantic movies. Or Talk-In-Song. Etc.

Get a couples massage (at home!)

Get a Couples Massage (At Home!)

These days apps can get you whatever you want. Wherever you want. Whenever you want. Call for a masseuse at home. And let those magic fingers caress your aches and pains away. And if Junior wakes up and starts howling, let him wait a bit. He’ll get the message as you get your massage.

Dine without the whine.

Dine Without The Whine.

You don’t need to make a reservation to some swish restaurant to connect. Just cook dinner together. Find a recipe you’ve always wanted to rustle up. Get into matching aprons and bake up a storm in the kitchen. Better still, cajole your hubby to cook something for you. And tell him he can have anything for dessert. Anything. 

Take a break from vacations. Try a Staycation.

Take a Break From Vacations.

Book a hotel in town for a couple of days. Pack your little one and an overnighter. And head out of home but not of town. Leaving all those pee and poo smells behind for a bit. Let the Hotel spoil you rotten with room service and spa sessions and come back home feeling like a new person. Not just a new mom.

Participate in a marathon … a movie marathon!

Binge watch your favourite shows or movies between late-night feeds. In fact, once you know your baby’s feed patterns (not that they are ever set in stone), you can schedule your binges to match your waking hours. Snuggle up under a blanket with your hubby and let your favourite movies take over.

Do a double date.

Do a Double Date.

Have close friends who have also just become parents? Invite them home with baby in tow. Let the babies snooze together while you guys catch up and compare horror stories and adorable moments in equal measure.

Ice-cream solves all problems.

Ice-Cream Solves All Problems.

You can’t go wrong with ice-cream. Get a big tub. With two spoons (actually forget spoons, opt for ladles). And dig in. Of course, that’s an overload of calories. But hey, tomorrow’s another day and another work-out and another yoga session! So hit that tub with a vengeance!

Pyjamas work just as well as heels do.

Pyjamas Work Just as Well as Heels Do.

Too tired to dress up? So is your husband. And, hey, date nights don’t have a dress code. All the perfect date night needs is the perfect date. For your husband, that’s you and for you, that’s him.

So remember it’s OK to have fun. Even though you are a new mum.

This post is also available in: English हिन्दी (Hindi) বাংলা (Bengali)


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