Playing with baby makes a lot of memories. And a lot of sense.


This post is also available in: English हिन्दी (Hindi) বাংলা (Bengali)

Every new mom loves to blabber with her baby. Even though it doesn’t make any sense to anyone around (including your baby), but it does make sense to her senses! Yes! You read it right! Playtime with your new-born is not only great fun but also a great opportunity to help your baby’s sensory development. During your baby’s first year, her sensory system is developing. There are sensory play activities that help stimulate her senses, and encourage your baby to discover things on her own. So, here are certain simple but powerful play ideas which will help develop your baby’s muscles, motor skills and awareness about colour, space and depth. And, of course it’ll even further strengthen the bond between you and your most precious gift: your baby!

  1. Never lose sight of your baby.


Although your new-born’s sight doesn’t really allow her to see beyond 12 inches during the first few months, she can see the little details of your face. So be really, really expressive – laugh out loud, crinkle your nose, go wide-eyed – and let your baby watch and absorb all these expressions. This also helps in developing social skills. During this early period, the head-eye coordination is also developing. So, moving a toy, a vibrant object or even a bright dupatta across her field of vision will help her a lot. For cognitive development, play peekaboo and see your baby gurgle with laughter! Also, have your baby gaze at her own self in a mirror. (After all, training to take great selfies later in life needs to start early, really early!)

2. Touch wood, toys or even rattles.

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During the 5th month, your baby starts reaching out for objects. This is the best time to keep objects in such a way that she can see them but they’re slightly out of reach. This will make her stretch and roll towards them. You can also help your baby develop eye-leg coordination by simply making her kick a balloon. During her first three months when her mobility is minimal, tickle your baby and roll her around, gently and slowly, to develop her sense of touch.

3. Smells good!


Introduce your little one to a host of natural scents. Bring a peeled orange near his nose or some berries, sweet lime, pineapple, mangoes or even some veggies such as capsicum. But please ensure that the veggies and fruits have mild flavours, and are not too pungent.

4. Reaction replay!


Want your baby to develop good communication skills? Make sure after you talk to her, you wait for your baby to smile, gurgle or even laugh. And when she laughs, respond back with some more laughter. This also helps in language development and comprehension. Babbling and laughing with your baby also helps release oxytocin which is the happy hormone in humans. Also, shake some rattles and make distinct sounds such as snapping, clinking spoons and glasses, playing some musical instruments, etc.

So, now that you know that playtime is also growth time for your baby – Happy Playing!

This post is also available in: English हिन्दी (Hindi) বাংলা (Bengali)


  1. Very well written. Loved the tips
    . Im sure thses tips will help me in bring up the baby more effeciently. Wrks well n smells gud


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