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Is your older child all set to welcome the little bundle of joy? Does he get anxious or worried when he looks at your growing baby bump? Introducing a new baby to your elder child is always a little tricky at the start. But rest assured, with each passing day and more interactions their bond will only grow stronger. Here are some tips on making your older baby a responsible elder sibling:
Let’s start from the start!

You can begin preparing your older child three to four months before the arrival of the new member of your family. You need to talk to your little one and hear him or her out. Also, please read to them, show them their childhood photos and give them their share of love and affection. You can ask them to share their thoughts about the baby, let them touch the baby bump to feel the new baby moving and kicking inside. You could even let them listen to the baby’s heartbeat at a visit to the doctor or midwife.
Exchange of gifts = exchange of love.
A few days prior to the due date, your hubby can take your elder sibling to pick up some gifts for the new baby. Of course, your older one will also get to pick up gifts for himself. Then when the new baby arrives, you can organise a gift exchange where both the little ones get their share of gifts. This activity is a great way to strengthen the bond.
Is the mood good?

The elder sibling’s mood and time should always be kept into consideration at the time of introduction. If he is cranky or drowsy, you can place the baby in another room and wait till the elder one is in a good mood!
Big kid has a bigger role to play.
If the elder one is eager to help you out with baby duties you need to let him or her join in! They can become your in-house delivery agents fetching you diapers, wipes, your baby lotion, et al. If your child isn’t interested in helping with the new baby initially, let them have that space, and don’t force them to give you a helping hand.
Some attention please!
Spend some mommy time with your big baby, of course! While you are likely to get overwhelmed and busy with the newborn, you need to keep aside some time for one-on-one interactions with your older child as well. Some ideas: a) Take him for a walk. b) Read to him. c) Make his favourite goodies. So smart mums, have you recently introduced your eldest to a new baby? How did it go? Do let us know in the comments below.
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