Tips for the expecting Dad


This post is also available in: English हिन्दी (Hindi) বাংলা (Bengali)

I love it when expecting Dads call me to book my prenatal classes and say,

“WE are pregnant.”

Oh yes!!

The expecting Dad is as pregnant as the expecting Mom.

The only difference is that he does not carry the baby.

If you are an expecting Dad – plunge into pregnancy and participate in it. The expecting Mom needs you and so does your growing baby.

Here are some tips for you – the expecting Dad

  • Stay connected and share your feelings

It is very exciting to discover that you are pregnant. But it is also overwhelming at times.

Celebrate things that you are excited about and plan and prepare for things that are worrying you.

During the first few weeks the expecting mom may feel extremely tired all the time.

Help around the house so that a messy house and incomplete work don’t cause her stress.

  • Do what you can to help with the nausea

During pregnancy almost any smell can trigger nausea.

Take over the cooking as much as possible or employ a cook.

Stock up on snacks that are not smelly.

Keep the house clean to minimize smells.

  • Be there for visits to the doctor

Visits to the doctor during pregnancy are extremely stressful for expecting moms.

Make sure you make it to the hospital every time.

  • Attend prenatal classes

A prenatal class is essential and invaluable because it helps you understand what you can do to participate in pregnancy and how to do what is required.

Building your knowledge and skills are crucial if you want to enjoy the pregnancy and parenting journey.

  • Cater for second trimester hunger

The second trimester brings on insatiable hunger. Keep plenty of healthy snacks available.

Check this blog to know more about the hunger pangs that the mother should avoid.

It is often difficult for expecting moms to find the motivation and energy to exercise.

Join her in her exercise routine and ensure that she stays fit.

Sleepless nights are a big challenge during pregnancy.

Practice the breathing exercises and massages that you learn at the prenatal class to help bring on restful sleep.

  • Connect with your baby

Spend time each day stroking your baby through the abdominal wall.

Rejoice when you feel the kicks.

Talk and read to your baby every day.

  • Shopping

Make a list – go through websites and buy or bookmark what will be required to make life comfortable during pregnancy and after the baby arrives.

  • Check insurance and other paperwork

Several things need to be done to ensure a smooth stay at the hospital. Do all the paperwork that is required well in advance. Don’t keep things for the last minute.

  • Arrange your living space

Start rearranging your living space to cater for breastfeeding and diaper changes.

  • Be supportive during labour

When the delivery day arrives, implement all that you have learnt during prenatal classes, to reduce the stress and discomfort during those hours.

In the new world the father cannot play the role of protector and provider only. The father must also take on the role of nurturer. And it is important to begin early.

You are very important. Always remember that.

Happy parenting!


Dr. Debmita Dutta MBBS, MD

Dr. Debmita Dutta MBBS, MD is a practicing doctor, a parenting consultant, and the founder of WPA She conducts online and offline workshops on parenting for schools and corporate organisations. She also conducts online and offline prenatal and infant care classes. She is a well-known thought-leader in parenting and an expert on play, learning and eating habits. She is the author of 6 books on parenting published by Juggernaut Books and her books are among their most read books. She is frequently quoted in national and international publications of repute for her empathetic and compassionate approach to parenting and her application of physiology and brain science to parenting.

This post is also available in: English हिन्दी (Hindi) বাংলা (Bengali)


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